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proposed suggestions for dealing with commercial spammers

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:45 pm
by Ray Barnes
In order to deter potential future transgressors who dare to even consider violating this most noble, dignified assembly through their insidious use of unsolicited, irrelevant and unwelcome advertising posts, I recommend a policy of strictly enforceable remedial actions. :evil:

These actions are likely not sufficient in and of their own accord and I hope, especially in having to possibly deal with repeat offenders, that even stronger measures may be also instituted. I suggest the following:

2 nights strapped naked to the top of the Space Needle (enforceable only during sub-freezing weather)
being forced to sing Deutschland uber Alles in the Knesset
tasering - preferably by police officers at Vancouver International Airport
playing for the Detroit Lions
being spayed or neutered (or in the case of Michael Jackson, both)

Re: proposed suggestions for dealing with commercial spammers

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:58 pm
by Andy Velebil
LOL..luckily they rarely happen now days but I do despise them.

Re: proposed suggestions for dealing with commercial spammers

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:02 pm
by Ray Barnes
Indeed, so do I.

Yours respectfully,
Sebastian Maximilien Percival Snodgrass, Ph.D (Oxford) :snooty:

Re: proposed suggestions for dealing with commercial spammers

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:39 pm
by Roy Hersh
I remember that ugly month where we'd have some pretty lude photos of Brittney Spears on FTLOP and I certainly don't miss it.